My day with Farmi

Weather information
I have reliable weather information. I can quickly decide if I can make plans for my treatments during the day or following days. I do not waste time planning my day work.
Silo opening hours
Farmi shows me the map with silos and I can easily see which ones are open. No more pointless waste of time...

Silo opening hours
Farmi shows me the map with silos and I can easily see which ones are open. No more pointless waste of time...

Updated agro news
During my lunchbreak I have no time to browse agricultural information. Farmi gathers for me all articles from the main agricultural publishers and sites. I also get thematic information directly to my mobile.
Tracking my contracts and deliveries
While harvesting it is very important for me to be connected and supervise my deliveries and contracts. With Farmi I can easily check my deliveries and quantities I still have to deliver within my contracts.

Tracking my contracts and deliveries
While harvesting it is very important for me to be connected and supervise my deliveries and contracts. With Farmi I can easily check my deliveries and quantities I still have to deliver within my contracts.

Market survey
My farm profitability also depends on good management of my sales. Access to the main quotes and simple charts helps me to decide and manage my Euronext index contracts.